The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
This devotional piece from Martin Scorcese (based on the novel by Nikos Kazantzakis) wavers between inspired moments of heresy and long stretches of being just another Jesus movie. While in its way wholly respectful to the prophets, it disrespects sacred
The Last Temptation of Christ (1988)
This devotional piece from Martin Scorcese (based on the novel by Nikos Kazantzakis) wavers between inspired moments of heresy and long stretches of being just another Jesus movie. While in its way wholly respectful to the prophets, it disrespects sacred
Marty seems out of his element in so many ways here – probably roughly equal to the number of ways in which this highly polished turd is… just that. Moretz and Kingsley bring enough charm to the table to make
Marty seems out of his element in so many ways here – probably roughly equal to the number of ways in which this highly polished turd is… just that. Moretz and Kingsley bring enough charm to the table to make